• Roberto Panetta, bass

    Roberto Panetta, double bass

    Roberto Panetta graduated with distinction in double bass from the Milan Conservatory, Conservatorio di Musica “G. Verdi” , under the guidance of Maestro Ezio Pederzani, in 1993. Within just one week, Panetta won the competition for double bass at the Milan symphony orchestra with which he collaborated steadily until 1999, under the guidance of conductors such as Delman, Noseda, Krivine, Muti, Prétre, Rath, Ceccato, Yurowski, Spierer, Chailly, Gatti, Giulini, Gergiev and numerous internationally renowned soloists.

    In that same year, Panetta was selected to access the “W. STAUFFER” of Cremona for a three-year specialization course held by Maestro Francesco Petracchi and under the guidance of the same he followed the specialization and musical interpretation courses at the International Campus of Sermoneta. Panetta was recommended for various auditions and competitions including the “Emilia Romagna A. Toscanini Symphony Orchestra” (1997 and 2000), “la RAI Symphony Orchestra of Turin” (2000), and “I Musical Afternoons” (1997).

    In autumn 1997, Panetta began specialization series of courses at the Accademia Internazionale Superiore di Musica “L. Perosi” of Biella, under the guidance of Maestro Giuseppe Ettorre, graduating in June 2000. He also explored his keen interest in ancient music by attending the "Three-year Course of Ancient Violone and Double Bass" held by Maestro Paolo Rizzi, at the International Academy of Music in Milan, graduating in June 2006. Panetta still collaborates with chamber and symphony ensembles such as “la RAI Symphony Orchestra of Turin”, “Foundation for the Orchestra of Italian Switzerland”, “Philharmonic Orchestra of La Scala of Milan”, “Gli Archi della Scala”, “I Pomeriggi Musicali of Milan ”, “Emilia Romagna A. Toscanini Symphony Orchestra”, “Carlo Felice Foundation of Genoa”, “Haydn Orchestra of Bolzano and Trento”, ''I Musici di Parma'', “I Solisti Laudensi”, “UECO United Foundation Europe Chamber Orchestra”, “Orchestra Milano Classica”, “Fondazione Orchestra G. Cantelli”, “Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana”, “Orchestra Stabile di Bergamo”, “Ensamble Musica Rara di Milano”, “I Virtuosi Delle Muse”, “Il Giardino Armonico”, “Gli Orfei Farnesiani”, “La Venice Virtuoso Ensamble”, “L’Ensamble Salomone Rossi”, “Il Demetrio”.

    In February 2019 he was invited by the Conservatory "Superior De Musica Andre's De Vandel De Jaén" for a prefectural master's degree (Erasmus). In February 2020 he was invited as a double bass teacher to the "International Double Bass Symposyum at the University of Georgia (USA). He is permanently invited to the summer courses of the "Boario Masterclass" in Boario Terme (BG) organized by "I Solisti di Milano". He is a double bass teacher at the Novara, Italy Music Conservatory “G. Cantelli.”